Use our interactive calculator to see how much.
in savings
Incident Savings
120 incidents avoided
Time Savings
1,200 incidents avoided
Turnover Savings
1 physician retained
3 nurses retained
Total monthly medication orders
Average physician hourly wage
Total number of physicians
Total number of nurses
How do we do it?
Redpoint offers EHR Optimization products that will save money by minimizing keyboard time, reducing errors, and decreasing turnover.

Familiar Orders
Familiar Orders is designed to streamline the medication ordering experience for healthcare providers. By leveraging data Familiar Orders identifies what each provider orders the most through data analytics and automates the creation of personalized medications lists, including the medication details, dose, route, and frequency. This tailored approach reduces manual errors, enhances the quality of care, and increases the reliability in record management.
Providers benefit from a simplified, efficient workflow with less cognitive load, that seamlessly integrates natively with their EHR system, requiring no seperate app, no sperate log-in, and no additional training. As a result, healthcare professionalls can quickly and accurately access the medications they use most, freeing up more time for patient care.
In short, Familiar Orders enhances the medication ordering process, improving accuracy and efficiency, and allowing providers to focus on delivering high-quality care.

Champion Profiles
Champion Profiles takes the user experience within the electronic health record (EHR) to the next level. By leveraging advanced analytics and automation, Champion Profiles identifies the most efficient EHR users and analyzes their workflows.
This data is used to create optimized profiles that can be adopted by peers, ensuring everyone benefits from streamlined processes. This approach not only saves time and energy but also facilitates the quick implementation of best practices across the healthcare organization, leading to improved efficiency and consistency in EHR usage.
In short, Champion Profiles enhances EHR efficiency by replicating the best user practices across the organization, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.